Instruments for recalibrating our common knowledge about the environment
“Dusts are solid particles, ranging in size from below 1μm up to at least 100μm, which may be or become airborne, depending on their origin, physical characteristics and ambient conditions.”
Project Dusts Chambers attempts to exceed how we perceive, process and understand the reality of human impact upon the environment by looking at one element in the air - airborne dusts. The project investigates particulate matter as an information carrier of our social, cultural and economic cycles settled on a facade of cultural monuments over time. Dusts Chambers reveal the invisible scales of changing environment and make it perceivable by the human body. Thus, physical perception has the potential to act as a catalyst in our rediscovery of the interrelationship between dusts and culture, political choices, environment, individual decisions and our bodies.

Dusts Chambers attempts to navigate our attention to these phenomena through the visual, tactile and olfactory sensations. Dusts Chambers are time-accelerating machines which foresee our futures through dusts. They are interactive instruments which highlight the relationship between the human and non-human world. Exteriorised, uncontrolled and invisible processes of motion, transformation and contact take place within the devices and are rendered perceptible by the naked eye.
These chambers combine, separate, contain, release and act as filter entities for the dust could become the only collective trace we leave on Earth.

Reclamation, reconstruction and sharing common knowledge about the environment stands as one of the key aspects of the project. Operating in the intersection of art, science and architecture, interdisciplinarity became a tool to investigate hidden and invisible anomalies of the environment we are currently living in.

Dusts Chambers at Shenzhen Biennale 2020
Dusts Chambers project developed interactive tools and methodologies that made such a phenomena explicit in order to construct new forms of knowledge; to notice, become aware and observe the human impact upon the environment. Recent months, Dusts Chambers expanded its scale, from artworks to a platform - an agency for activation - Dusts Institute; to create new forms of public engagements and (not only virtual) interventions at public space in order to transform the otherwise static spectators to active participants.

Dusts Chambers before collection of airborne dusts

Dusts Chambers after collection of airborne dusts
The project expanded its scale, from artworks to a platform - an agency for activation - Dusts Institute; to create new forms of public engagements and (not only virtual) interventions at public space in order to transform the otherwise static spectators to active participants.

This notion took a leading role during the pandemic and created a foldable, interactive device that can collect airborne dusts on the place chosen by the individual participants. Dusts Catcher can be sent to local communities all around the world and support them in questions related to the environment and how can art deploy tools to lift our view to another level of understanding to help us navigate ecological challenges in an open and inclusive way?